What makes competitive obedience different?
Competitve obedience requires precision, quick responses, exactness of positions, and focus solely on the handler, ignoring outside distraction.
Introduction to the specific skill sets needed for the Novice Level such as heeling, both with and without a leash, coming when called, standing for a physical exam, and stays. - On Leash
Further mastery of the novice skill sets needed to earn a Companion Dog (CD) title - On/Off Leash.
Introduces skills needed for the Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title which increases the challenge with more exercises off leash and adds retrieving and jumping. - Off Leash
Introduces skills needed for the Utility Dog (UD) title such as scent discrimination, directed retrieves and silent signal exercises - Off Leash.
Obedience Workshop
For dogs and handlers competing in all obedience venues. Will include trial preparation, proofing and problem solving.
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